If you’ve just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, or even if you’ve had diabetes for a while, you may ask, “Where do I get reliable information?”
In this blog I suggest reliable and evidence-based diabetes print resources and websites. I also discuss the value of going to a diabetes education center to get information individualized for you from health care professionals

Diabetes Essentials
Our book Diabetes Essentials is a “starter” book, making it a great go-to first resource. You won’t get overwhelmed because the information is broken down into lists of 10 summary points on each diabetes topic. Diabetes Essentials is available on Amazon or you can check for it at your local library.
Magazines and Websites
· Diabetes Canada; google search “Diabetes Dialogue” to access their online magazine. Diabetes Dialogue has practical advice for the person with diabetes.
· American Diabetes Association and their online magazine Diabetes Forecast. The Forecast has an industry News Feed to update you on the latest research, including new technology and medications being tested or on the market.
· Diabetes Self Management is a print or online subscription magazine. It is published independently, with an editorial board of diabetes experts. It has a twice a month magazine and a weekly newsletter. They include diabetes-friendly recipes and a news section on their website.
· Diabetes New Zealand; I like this site because the content is easy-to-read. Check out their Resources and “Take Control Tool Kit” where you can download handouts or get their app.
· To get help with meals and food from a particular global cuisine, you can search a specific diabetes association. For example, if you eat mostly Indian cuisine, go to Diabetes India.
· International Diabetes Federation has resources and also a list of diabetes associations around the world. It is the recognized group that brings together health professionals from around the world to look at diabetes issues and trends.

Individualized education at a diabetes education center
Ask your doctor to refer you to a diabetes education program. Although there may be a waiting list, it’s worth the wait. Here you will see a nurse and/or a dietitian. They’ll explain factual information about your hemoglobin A1C and other tests, and tell you about your medications. The nurse will do important assessments such as checking your feet. The dietitian will talk to you about what foods to eat and what foods to limit, like avoid that iced coffee with 88 grams of carbs – that’s equal to 20 teaspoons of sugar! Individual appointments and classes may be offered. One of the nice things about classes is that you get to meet other people who have diabetes. In this time of Covid, classes may be offered online. You’ll learn that others may have the same questions as you do.